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R-Biz Associates is celebrating over 35 years. A lot has happened along the way and we’re grateful to reflect on our humble beginnings.
Founder, Peter Trouw grew up in a merchant family. He learned his trade from only the best: his mother ran a bourgeoning antique shop in the Netherlands, and Peter often took part in the various duties that presented themselves. After scoring his first toy line in 1987, Pete met Jerry Pinsky, a national sales manager for ImportToys at the time. From thereon out, associates and lines were added and little R-Biz grew from one to eleven reps to date. We now represent numerous brand name toy and gift lines and show our lines in two gorgeous showrooms in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
We pride ourselves on our longevity and the joy that we feel as we serve our customers and vendors with excellence
We look forward to many more years by your side.
With best wishes,
The R-Biz Team